BY PRAISEMOPRE SITHOLE AN online drama series titled Pazimuti that is available on YouTube has scooped three awards at the first edition of the Midlands Teen Arts Awards (MTAA) held virtually in Gweru over the weekend. The drama series, whose scenes were shot in Gweru and Harare, was launched last year and it appears to have won the hearts of many youths if the Pazimuti challenge on social media platforms is anything to go by. In an interview with NewsDay Life & Style yesterday, series writer and producer Takudzwa Musadza said the awards proved that their hard work was being recognised. “Pazimuti series scooped three awards namely, the Best Actor (for Simbarashe Gwawawa), Best Actress (Diana Mwanangombe) and Most Talked About TV Series,” he said. Musadza said the drama’s storyline was directed by Musadza, Tanaka Mangachena and Ushy Julias and revolved around the story of a blind girl (Ndaizivei) who fell in love with a musician (Rodza). Love struck despite the disability of the girl. “The inspiration behind the series is the disabled, particularly the visually impaired. We think when it comes to their personal lives, a lot of people do not really understand how they fall in love with someone they do not see, that has inspired us,” he said. “The plot unravels in the series as these two young people are faced with a life-defining incident that consequently influences their lives in ways one cannot imagine. It tries to show how two different people are able to face challenges in their lives.” He said they wanted to reach as many people as possible through the drama. “We came to tell a story of how disability is not a hindrance to love and how problems are part of everyone’s life, and eventually how at the end of the day we all need someone to help us out whether disabled or not,” he said. The series, that also features actors Abeline Mukanga as Tassy, Monalisa Chikudo as Nisha and Simbarashe Gwawawa as Pablo, was filmed by Channel 054 in collaboration with 054tv, Stars Studios and Capture Graphics. Follow Praisemore on Twitter @TPraisemore