A Government backbencher is placing the disaster facing the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) on the shoulders of the previous Democratic Labour Party (DLP) Administration.In fact, Member of Parliament Marsha Caddle contends that the Ministry of Finance’s responses to the financial irregularities revealed in the 2021 Auditor General’s report should tell Barbadians that the “poor economic and financial management” is the fault of the DLP which was booted from office in 2018.Speaking at the annual general meeting of the League of Young Socialists at the Barbados Labour Party’s (BLP) headquarters on Roebuck Street, St. Michael at the weekend. Caddle said the 64-page report that was presented by the Director of Finance and Economic Affairs Ian Carrington last week, highlights another one of the many DLP-created problems that the BLP government has to “face and fix”.“Now that the response has been laid, what does it tell us? It tells us for example that we had an audit of a school meals centre, under the former Democratic Labour Party administration, that was proposed to provide meals to 20 schools and was supposed to cater to emergency situations in the case of a national disaster.