CXC’s proposal to use only Paper 1 (multiple choice) together with the students’ SBAs or IAs to assess them is seriously flawed.
To compound the issue CXC has been woefully silent on the final weighting for either Paper 1 or the SBAs and IAs thereby making the entire issue of validity of the 2020 Exams all the more dubious.
Given these circumstances, how valid can any CXC Exam be if it uses Paper 1 as a principal means of assessment in awarding final grades?
It is nothing short of amazing that in the face of the multitude of bone fide concerns that CXC has chosen to go full speed ahead with its misguided proposal for July Exams.
A new meeting will allow CXC to at least salvage some of its integrity which has been seriously tarnished in the relentless pursuit of its proposal for July Exams.