Beyond Depression Era unemployment rates, as stated above; following, is more evidence favoring a Demand Side, or Direct Consumer Tax Cut.
With such animus and opposition toward the GOP Tax Cut, you would think Democrats, when presented with a doable Consumer Tax Cut Plan, that will grow the economy; the Democratic Party, led by the Speaker of the House, would advance such a plan to the floor, of the House of Representatives.
Now, if consumers are given A REAL TAX CUT, not only will they continue to stabilize the economy, consumer spending will, also GROW the economy.
Then, common sense, logic, and wise judgment tells us and Congress, to FIX THE CONSUMER, through A REAL TAX CUT!
We need Congress, prompted by Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, or even President Trump and Mitch McConnell, to “Come on and get on with it;” get on, without further delay, the rebooting of the U.S. economy, with a Consumer Tax Cut.