Why has the Barbadian society seemingly lost its reverence for senior members of our community? It is startling, given that those over the age of 65 represent a significant portion of the island’s population.What should be more disconcerting to our leaders and ordinary citizens is the fact that the general disregard is not limited to the way our seniors are treated, it extends to long-held observance of principles, traditions, and institutions such as school and church.Too many senior folk are complaining that their wishes are being ignored by family members and sometimes even their own children.On radio call-in programmes, older Barbadians are lamenting the poor service and belittling attitudes they receive at financial institutions and other businesses, that are not making accommodation for their special needs.They are decrying the practice of being asked to stand in lines for long hours. They see it as a form of punishment for not using the automated banking machines or online services like the majority of younger folk do.