Passing the buck, or throwing the can down the road, is never a good strategy when confronting difficult situations. That approach leads one to falsely believe that there is more time to resolve an issue, when that is far from the truth.Our health and policy planners have been trying to establish the most effective way of tackling the COVID-19 pandemic’s effects in Barbados since March 2020, when we confirmed our first cases of the disease on the island.It was an imported illness, and so it was easy to apportion blame to visitors to the country for infecting the population. This suggestion clearly diminishes the idea that Barbadians who travelled were also responsible for COVID-19 transmissions.While we imposed strict travel protocols and never closed our borders to travellers, our neighbours in the twin-island republic of Trinidad and Tobago, took a much more aggressive approach, shutting down all access to foreigners and nationals of that country.