THE Amber Group, after dipping into its coffers for millions of dollars to establish the jamcovid19 website and mobile app, has turned its attention to developing technology to help with monitoring the increased number of people expected to be home quarantined with the recent opening of the country's borders.
The jamcovid19 website and mobile app were developed through collaboration between the Government and the Amber Group, to provide an easy-to-use centralised source for all COVID-19-related information and services.
He said, with developers in South Africa, India, and Jamaica, the Amber Group was in a position to help at no cost to the country, despite the high cost of the website and mobile app.
To date we have not charged a single cent to the Government for the support we have provided through the Amber Group not even a cent,” declared Savadia, who first came to Jamaica in 2012 on a humanitarian mission for the Arts of Living Foundation and has since established the home base of the Amber Group here.
He was supported by managing director of the Amber Group Michael McNaughton, who told the Observer that his team worked 24 hours each day to create the jamcovid19 website and mobile app, based on the urgency of the need.