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(BPRW) Essence Calls for a National “Declaration of Equity” and Launches $100 Million Equity and Justice Benefit Initiative | Press releases

(BPRW) Essence Calls for a National “Declaration of Equity” and Launches $100 Million Equity and Justice Benefit Initiative

– ESSENCE Unstoppable Collective, a Public-Private-NGO Partnership for Sustained Change, Launches June 25 – – Inaugural Public Partners include the Cities of New Orleans, Chicago, New York, Atlanta, San Francisco Washington, DC –

(Black PR Wire) NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)– At no other time in this generation have the ill consequences of systemic racism collided with such force in the social consciousness of America.

To directly address the racial injustices and inequities magnified by both COVID-19 and the killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and others, ESSENCE, the leading media, technology and commerce company serving Black women and communities, today announced the groundbreaking ESSENCE Unstoppable Collective — a $100 million public-private-NGO partnership and equity and justice benefit initiative for sustained change.

Thus, through unprecedented alliances with city, corporate and non-profit partners and via public donations, the ESSENCE Unstoppable Collective will raise funds through the New Voices Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization guided by its PACE model, to support and impact four key pillars driving racial equity in America – economic parity, health equity, education equality and equal justice.

Dennis continued, “As the longest-running Black media platform and a 100% Black-owned company that has championed the issues of our community for 50 years, ESSENCE is especially excited to launch this $100 million partnership initiative to impact equity and justice in America.

Launching on June 25, the Collective, with inaugural public partners including the cities of New Orleans, Chicago, New York, Atlanta, San Francisco and Washington, DC, will customize impact programs under each pillar, including recovery and sustainability efforts focused on funding for businesses left out of the federal government’s CARES Act/PPP; resources for essential workers; entrepreneur training and other programs; job placement and readiness services; food security; mental health programs; tools addressing disparities in healthcare delivery; education access; organizations supporting racial equity and inclusion; and more.

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