ZIMBABWEANS should not only cast the Marriages Bill in bad light, but should also pick up positives such as putting an end to the discrimination and infringement of women’s civil liberties which are provided for in the proposed legislation.
Last week, there was a public outcry after Justice minister Ziyambi Ziyambi, while presenting the Marriages Bill in the Senate said the payment of bride price would no longer be regarded as a barrier in solemnising a marriage between two consenting adults if they satisfy other requirements of the law.
However, Mzira said the Bill was not all about payment of bride price, but has other positives like liberating women and bringing about the era of change.
“It is all about bringing the law in line with the Constitution in terms of gender equality and abolishment of early child marriages,” Mzira said.
He said the Bill focuses on doing away with other harmful practices such as early child marriages.