HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA, US, June 15, 2020 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Black Hollywood Education and Resource Center (BHERC) announced the revival of “Doin’ It the Independent Way” a recurring monthly independent showcase featuring short films by African American Filmmakers.
Created over Thirty-three years ago by BHERC founder, Sandra Evers-Manly, the showcase was designed to highlight and promote to the film industry, the incredible talent in the African American community that exists both behind the scenes and in front of the camera.
Log on to www.BHERC.TV to register for the festival and the ZOOM Q and A. For more information contact John Forbes at John@bherc.org or bherctv@bherc.tv Phone: (323) 957-4777 - FB: www.facebook.com/bherctv І TW: www.twitter.com/bherctv І IG: this year’s films:
A Letter to My Son - Maurice Hicks, Director-Writer; Dave Norris, Producer - A tired and worn, would-be father pens a hypothetical detailing of his perspectives and fears to his unborn son.
Rated G 10m07s
Barbasol – Ralph K. Scott, Director; Kiara C. Jones, Writer-Producer; Sandra Evers-Manly, Executive Producer - A man that desires a bond with his elderly father.
Unrated 20m05s
Founded in 1996 by Sandra Evers-Manly, BHERC is a nonprofit, public benefit organization designed to advocate, educate, research, develop, and preserve the history, images, and future of African Americans in film and television.