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ASJA wants peaceful resolution in Israel/Palestine - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

A LOCAL Muslim organisation, the Anjuman Sunnat-ul-Jamaat Association (ASJA), is hopeful of a peaceful resolution to the past 12 days of conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, saying the Holy Land is a place for the three Abrahamic religions to peacefully co-exist – Judaism, Islam and Christianity.

The ejection of Palestinian families from their homes in East Jerusalem and the clampdown on worshippers at al-Aqsa Mosque by heavily-equipped Israeli police officers led to riots by Palestinians. This escalated into Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip firing over 2,000 rockets into Israel, which retaliated with aerial bombings against the militants. Civilian casualties occurred on both sides, but more so among Palestinians.

"Militant ways will not solve anything," ASJA PRO Imam Raffaic Mohammed told Newsday on Monday.

He said TT should encourage the United Nations to work towards a solution to the conflict.

Mohammed was very encouraged by Al Jazeera television reporting on Monday that some Jews were seen protesting against Israel's actions in the recent conflict.

He said the three faiths are considered the revealed religions.

"So that land is dear to all three. The three are supposed to be living in harmony there."

Mohammed said the Zionist faction in Israel had been using the name of religion to try to push out the Palestinians.

"But we believe in a peaceful way. The Prophet (PBUH) demonstrated that when he went to Makkah. So we have to prepare, dialogue and negotiate."

Asked about calls for the TT Government to do no business with Israel as long as the current conflict raged, Mohammed said, "We cannot put our government in a problem, but we have to make that request straight to the UN and get our voice to them."

Last Tuesday the Islamic Missionary Guild urged the Government to distance itself from Israel.

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