THE DEADLINE for the receipt of applications for the Elite Athlete Assistance Programme (EAAP), for the fiscal year 2021-2022 is April 1, according to a media release from the Ministry of Sport and Community Development.
Athletes applying for the EAAP must be Trinidad and Tobago nationals, they must have a world-ranking within the top 40 of their respective sporting discipline, they must be medallists at the Olympic Games, World Championships, Commonwealth Games, Pan Am Games and Central American and Caribbean Games, they must be representing TT at sanctioned international competitions and they have to make themselves available for selection at the stipulated Games within the Olympic quadrennial.
Applicants must follow the guidelines as stipulated on the Grants page for Elite Athlete Assistance Programme of the Ministry’s website at
Applications for financial support must be delivered in original hard copy, by April 1, and addressed as follows – RE: ELITE ATHLETE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME, The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Sport and Community Development, Level 20, Nicholas Tower, 63-65 Independence Square, Port of Spain.