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A disgruntled workers is counter-productive – NewsDay Zimbabwe

LATELY, we have seen government trying to dangle a carrot so that its restive employees go back to their workstations, but the efforts have been spurned. editorial comment Teachers have been on strike since September when the first batch of examination writing classes went back to school in a phased re-opening. They are demanding US dollar salaries indexed to the bank exchange rate. Other than that, there is no going back to class. Nurses have also gone on strike, demanding US dollar salaries, re-instatement of the flexi-hour working system and provision of personal protective equipment. Government has refused to accede to their demands, and instead dished out suspension letters to the nurses pending disciplinary hearings. This week, government abruptly stopped dishing out the suspension letters after reportedly getting wind of the fact that the nurses were using the letters to seek employment beyond our borders. A beneficiary of the November 2017 military coup, President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s administration has failed on many fronts. The economy has failed to tick since he rose to power, with inflation at one time surging to around 800%. Data from the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency this week indicating that inflation had come down to 471,25% in October from 659,40% in September should be taken with a pinch of salt. Companies have been folding under his watch, with largely foreigners getting mining licences, a sector which is fraught with its own disasters, particularly gold and diamonds. Pupils and students are being sent home on a daily basis. It will be a miracle if examination classes sit for the end of year finals. Nurses are also showing an “I don’t care attitude”. Doctors have spoken out against the militarisation of the health sector, where Vice-President and Health minister Constantino Chiwenga has moved to change the recruitment of health professionals. All government employees have been complaining about the erosion of the value of their salaries, with the security sector being the only one seemingly being cushioned. Government, as the biggest employer, should realise that one of the major reasons slave trade was abolished was that it was seen to be counter-productive. Any motivated employee is prepared to go an extra mile, while a demotivated worker’s mind is focused elsewhere. It is, therefore, critical for government to incentivise civil servants so that they discharge their duties properly.

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