If you’re interested in sharing your opinion on any cultural, political or personal topic, create an account here and check out our how-to post to learn more. ____ Most people love to play card or board games with their family or friends, right? It is nothing like getting the excitement going at a holiday event, birthday party or special occasion playing Uno, Monopoly, Spades, Cards Against Humanity, etc. However, when it comes to these particular games, the creators behind all of them are white men. The underrepresentation within the gaming industry has been going on for years and continues to grace the shelves of big box retailers. When people go into Walmart or Target looking for a game to play with family and friends, they are not automatically thinking, "let me pick up this game because it is created by a Black game maker." Many people just pick up games of familiarity which have been played from generation to generation in their household, something they just recently...