Wakanda News Details

4 kill teenager over love triangle

BY JAIROS SAUNYAMA FOUR Murewa men have been arrested on allegations of killing a teenager who accused one of them of dating his girlfriend. Leonard Jambwa (28), Jacob Maunde (28), Spencer Dube (21) and Adren Kugara (23) are assisting police with investigations following the death of Clever Muuduri (18), who they allegedly assaulted to death on February 28, 2021. Mashonaland East provincial police spokesperson Inspector Tendai Mwanza confirmed the incident. “People should respect the sanctity of life and when faced with disputes, they must resort to peaceful means to resolve them,” Mwanza said. It is alleged that on February 28, at around 3pm, the deceased and his father, Nhamo Muuduri (51) were drinking beer at a homestead in Zhakata village, Chief Mangwende area in Murewa. The four suspects were also partaking of beer at the same homestead. The now-deceased reportedly picked a quarrel with Jambwa, accusing him of having an affair with his girlfriend. A fist-fight broke out before the two were restrained by other patrons.  Jambwa reportedly left the homestead. The now-deceased and his father allegedly followed and caught up with him at Dube’s residence. The fist-fight resumed and Jambwa was overpowered by the now-deceased and his father. Jambwa called for help from his colleagues who assaulted the duo with bricks. The four fled from the scene after realising that Muuduri had fallen unconscious. A local teacher reportedly ferried Muuduri to Murewa District Hospital together with his father who had also been seriously injured. Muuduri was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital, leading to the suspects' arrest for murder.  Follow Jairos on Twitter @jairossaunyama

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