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Zanu PF fires official for insulting ED

ZANU PF Mashonaland Central has expelled party official Goodman Musariri, who was recently taken to court for allegedly insulting President Emmerson Mnangagwa while calling upon his deputy, Constantino Chiwenga to take over from his boss. BY SIMBARASHE SITHOLE Party provincial spokesperson Alfred Mufunga confirmed the decision. We expelled Musariri from the party for his gross misconduct after he imposed himself as chairperson of Masimba district in Mazowe, Mufunga said. His mission was to destroy the party. We cannot have a party member who insults the President on social media. That is totally unacceptable, hence he was expelled last weekend. Musariri is on $300 bail for allegedly insulting Mnangagwa in a Zanu PF WhatsApp group. His WhatsApp messages denounced Mnangagwa while endorsing Chiwenga to take over. We agree that the likes of VaMnangagwa, who only has less than 18 years to live on this universe, must maximise his retirement time. After all, he has nothing to offer Zimbabwe except to loot it the more for 18 years, one of the messages read. I recommend that General Chiwenga takes over and be at liberty to formulate a government of national unity that will adopt meritocracy, pragmatism and honesty. Mnangagwa must resign or retire early and be given a golden handshake as constructive dismissal. He needs the maximum of 18 years that he is left with under this universe! Another message read: President vanoda kuti vasvike 2030 (he wants to get to 2030)? Thomas Mapfumo goes on to say achida kunyanya kunge achiiteiko aisa nyika munzara yakadai kubva 2017 (what more can he offer, he has impoverished the nation)?

The post Zanu PF fires official for insulting ED appeared first on NewsDay Zimbabwe.

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