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Web Portal of the Government of Saint Lucia

Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for appointment to the post of DIRECTOR, FAMILY COURT - DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE A. RESPONSIBILITIES AND RELATIONSHIPS 1. To manage the operations and programmes of the Family Court; lead the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of social work services including casework management; and assist in the resolution of family court matters, in accordance with legislative requirements and best practice, for the efficiency and effectiveness of court operations and to enable protection of the social welfare of children and families within the justice system. 2. To manage assigned staff and resources to ensure work programmes are implemented in accordance with legislative and operational requirements and established labour practices. 3. Responds to the Permanent Secretary and liaises with the Attorney General’s Chambers, the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force, social service providers, the Judiciary, Court Administrators and the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court on matters relating to work in progress. B. DUTIES AND TASKS 1. Prepares the work programme for the Family Court in line with the Department’s strategic objectives through strategic planning, consultation with stakeholders and team members and review of key evidence-based reports/documentation, to enable the determination of targets, milestones and deadlines. 2. Leads and manages assigned staff through target setting, continuous dialogue, mentoring, coaching, assessment of staff performance, identifying training needs and gaps, and managing leave, to ensure effective performance management and promote employee wellbeing. 3. Facilitates the resolution of Family Court matters through collaboration with local, regional and international agencies by attending/coordinating case conferences and ensuring that decisions taken are executed, to promote the wellbeing of children and their families. 4. Reviews and approves social inquiry reports ordered by the court regarding child maintenance, child custody and domestic violence, by assessing investigative findings, to ensure compliance with Court Orders. 5. Undertakes case management by examining processes, procedures and interventions, reviewing cases, complaints on record, assigning referrals, conducting site visits and casework management meetings, identifying opportunities for improvements and recommending solutions, to ensure that cases are attended to in accordance with legislative and regulatory requirements and best practice. 6. Supports the improvement of court operations by conducting research, analysing data and preparing proposals and presentations, to aid decision making for the enhancement of services of the Family Court. 7. Oversees and develops standard operating procedures and standards for best practice for social workers and counsellors of the Family Court, by conducting research and analysis, collaborating with subject matter experts and preparing and implementing operational frameworks in accordance with leg

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