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Voices of the Civil War Episode 4: "Resistance to Slavery"

In Episode 4, abolitionists like Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass use the Underground Railroad to help the enslaved find freedom in the North, while authors like Theodore Dwight Weld and Harriett Beecher Stowe fight slavery by publishing its horrors worldwide. At the beginning of the Civil War the use of the Underground Railroad declines as those seeking freedom begin a much bigger fight.

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Stono Rebellion - Duration: 8:16. jghprofhist 40,792 views

Resistance to Slavery - Duration: 8:53. Robert H. Smith 213 views

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Slave - Duration: 6:31. MrJerhoward 7,954 views

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Slavery, Arkansas and the Civil War - Duration: 4:09. Joel Kattner 5,951 views

Slave Resistance - Duration: 4:38. Annecia Williams 384 views

Irrefutable Common Sense, Why the Civil War wasnt about Slavery - Duration: 48:21. syyenergy7 18,305

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