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UNC gatekeepersto Kamla's defence - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: If we are to judge by history, the screaming headline "Kamla must go" is destined to fail.

This has nothing to do with the legitimate demands of a growing number of people in society but has everything to do with the gatekeepers of the UNC whose only interest is to maintain their opposition status.

The gatekeepers have all to lose - their parliamentary positions, their local government offices. And even paid and non-paid bloggers and members of the executive. They have all been indoctrinated to believe in the inherent divinity and everlasting life of their leader and that their very existence is dependent on her political longevity.

The gatekeepers have been brainwashed into believing that Kamla Persad-Bissessar's multiple electoral losses have resulted from a corrupt Elections and Boundaries Commission and that her second coming is close. They have been neutered and as zombies cannot think for themselves.

The gatekeepers are like some of the slaves who were afraid to leave their masters' compound after emancipation as they felt a sense of comfort in their surroundings and were afraid of freedom.

The gatekeepers will resist any attempts for change in their party and they are prepared to go to their social media blogs to remind themselves of some inane speech she made about "no woman, no cry."

The placards are being written, the maxis are being contracted, and food and drinks are being prepared as UNC members are mobilised to defend their leader despite their party's catastrophic decline in popularity.

After Sunday, they will congratulate themselves as they all get high on their own supply.

As we approach Carnival, look out for more bacchanal.


San Fernando

The post UNC gatekeepersto Kamla's defence appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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