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Trinidad: Toddler, dad gunned down in Tunapuna

Trinidad: Toddler, dad gunned down in Tunapuna CoP calls on citizens to let their voices be heard in support of the innocent

(Trinidad Guardian) Instead of presenting Stephon Mc Leod with a gift as the nation celebrates Father’s Day on Sunday, the family are instead mourning the death of the 40-year-old man and his toddler who were ambushed and shot on Friday night in Tunapuna.

Questioning what her innocent baby did to deserve being gunned down along with her father as the two went to a parlour around the corner from the girl’s home that night, Melinda Jaggernauth, 26, said, “She was my everything…why did they do that to her?

Although police officers returned to the area around the same time that media personnel were interviewing the Jaggernauth family and were seen taking away a suspect in handcuffs, officers denied it was in connection with the killing of Stephon and Aniah.

CoP wants citizens to let their voices be heard in support of the innocent

Extending condolences to the Jaggernauth family, Police Commissioner Gary Griffith on Saturday took to social media to question when will citizens start calling for justice for this baby and the many children lost to senseless gang violence.

Also, when will the various lines of outreach to communities including the 555, TTPS App, and 482-GARY be overrun with credible information to be transformed into intelligence to support the swift capture of these monsters; the mass outcry on social media and the many platforms for justice for this baby and the many children lost to senseless gang violence; the sound and fury by activists, politicians, and newspaper editorials calling on communities to work with the police to bring these perpetrators to immediate justice; and the demands for justice and to call the names of the killer (s).

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