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PM on vacant chief administrator post: ‘THA to blame’ - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

Labelling the Chief Secretary as "deceitful", the Prime Minister says Farley Augustine's administration is to blame for the THA's chief administrator's office being empty.

He said the Assembly ruled out the next candidate before he was even able to see the recommendation made by the Public Service Commission.

Addressing a news conference on Monday, Dr Rowley said he is now waiting for the Commission to send him its recommendation of the next qualified public servant in line, as the selection process had to be restarted.

“It is easy in Tobago, when you get yourself in difficulties of competence or incompetence, you just blame Trinidad or blame the prime minister. I will have none of it.

"I have gone beyond the call of duty to ensure that no truthful allegations could be made against my office or against me with respect to the people of Tobago."

He said previously, the public service commission did its job, knowing former chief administrator Ethlyn John was leaving.

He said it took steps to see who was next in line and made recommendations to the Prime Minister’s Office for the Prime Minister’s attention.

That recommendation got to the permanent secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister but did not get to him.

He said on the same day, at the same time a second piece of correspondence came advising the permanent secretary of a new development.

He said the second piece of correspondence came to his office before he could have even seen the first piece of work from the commission. The person to be appointed, he said was suddenly interdicted.

"That person is now to be the subject of allegations of wrongdoing and to be suspended. So the commission now has no choice but to withdraw the letter which was sent to the Prime Minister’s office.”

He said what he finds worrisome and very disappointing is that THA Chief Secretary Farley Augustine met with him, made a recommendation and withheld the fact that the THA intended to take action against the person who was interdicted.

“I am very disappointed in my Tobago colleague and colleagues because I have gone out of my way to ensure that no accusation could be truthfully made that the government that I lead had done anything other than to facilitate the assembly.”

He said he heard the Deputy Chief Secretary Dr Faith BYisrael describing this problem as one that has to do with the prime minister.

He complained about the Deputy Chief Secretary "explaining that they can't do this and they can't do that" as a result.

He said it was because of the THA's action there was no chief administrator.

He said the senior public servant has been accused of wrongdoings noting that, "I refuse to believe when the chief secretary spoke to me on that day – an hour and a half we spoke and he did not know."

This, he said he finds deceitful and disappointing and he has taken note that not everyone is what they claim to be.

"This simple act of ensuring that the officer was interdicted ties in with accusations made moons ago, political accusations made.”

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