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People, time to rise up against crime - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: In a society where hard-working citizens should feel safe and secure in their own homes, it is truly disheartening to witness the rise of criminal activities that threaten the very fabric of our communities. The image of families being subjected to violence, theft and trauma within the sanctity of their homes is a sobering reminder of the harsh reality many face on a daily basis.

The lack of urgency and accountability in addressing these heinous crimes are a stark reflection of the disconnect between those in power and the ordinary citizens they are meant to serve and protect. It is unacceptable that politicians, shielded by their blue lights and security details, seem detached from the daily struggles and fears faced by the common people.

When reports of crimes go unanswered, when justice is delayed or denied, it erodes the trust and confidence that citizens should have in their law enforcement agencies and government officials. The prioritisation of political games over addressing the pressing issues of crime and public safety is a betrayal of the very essence of governance.

It is time for citizens to rise up, to unite in solidarity, and to demand the change and action that are long overdue. The rights of law-abiding citizens should never be overshadowed by the privileges afforded to criminals. The well-being and security of every individual must be upheld and protected at all costs.

We cannot afford to tolerate a system that discounts the concerns and fears of its own people. It is imperative that more drastic measures be taken to root out the evil that walks among us and threatens the very foundation of our society. The time for complacency and indifference is over. It is time to stand up, speak out and demand the safety and security that every citizen deserves.

Act now!


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The post People, time to rise up against crime appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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