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Let's stop enabling criminals - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: I refer to the Prime Minister's passionate call to the families, relatives and friends of criminals and those with criminal intentions not to protect them.

It is heartening to know that our Prime Minister is aware that there are criminals in our society and he is concerned about it. It is now up to the citizenry to heed his call to report forthwith people whom they know are involved in crime. After all, the life you save maybe a relative, a friend or your own.

Equally important, a call to those who are enabling the criminals is also required. Most of these crimes and all the homicides are committed with expensive state-of-the-art guns. Where is the money coming from to purchase them? How are they entering the country?

Not too long ago a newspaper reported that a gun used by the criminals cost anywhere from $30,000 to $ 50,000. If the source can be cut off maybe the murder rate will fall.

In our country at present it is not difficult to put your hands on $50,000. If you check the daily newspapers you will see many advertisements inviting people to come in for a loan of up to this amount. No collateral required, no form of security, just come in and collect it.

And if you need more than $50,000 you can go to another lending agency and get it. And it is all legal, licensed to lend by our Central Bank.

Another possible source is from government contracts. So-called contractors have no skill, no resources, no track record but they are earning big money as contractors.

And if you are really serious about fighting crime, just bring back the hangman and immediately the rate will plummet. Forget about the UN and its policies. Those UN fellas don't live in Trinidad.

Put the brakes on.


via e-mail

The post Let's stop enabling criminals appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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