My heart is heavy and I am tired of the necessity of us having this conversation, but as long as we need to speak on the matter of police officers killing Black men with no respect for their lives, we will keep the dialogue going.
All lives do matter; however, history has proven that America has not valued the lives of Black people, especially Black men, therefore we need to shed light on this crisis.
During the time I was working on this article, I had to go to my local post office and in line there was a White woman wearing a “Black Lives Matter” t-shirt.
In 2020, when a police officer can disregard the words of a man who says he cannot breathe, there is something wrong.
I have family and friends that have served on the force and I regularly make donations to my local Police Officer’s Association, but no one should be able to hide behind their badge or the color blue just because they wear a uniform.