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Breastfeeding and Beyond: Health ministry's guide on health benefits for mother and baby - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

A mother breastfeeding her child is one of the most natural things in the world, but for some, it is not the easiest.

As such, the Ministry of Health developed the book Breastfeeding and Beyond: A Guide to Infant and Child Feeding to help new mothers and answer important questions that develop during the first months of a baby’s life. Manager of the National Breastfeeding Coordinating Unit Debra Thomas compares it to two new people on a job. She said it’s not complicated but there is a learning curve.

“Even if it’s not the first baby for a mom, the baby has to learn breastfeeding. Even though it’s a natural process it’s something both mummy and baby have to get support for. You have to allow them time to learn the whole process.

“Because we think breastfeeding is so natural, we sometimes make mummies feel it’s simple. It requires patience, and one of the very important components of the whole process has to do with the confidence the mom has in getting the job done.

[caption id="attachment_938215" align="alignnone" width="750"] Debra Thomas, manager of the National Breastfeeding Coordinating Unit. Source: Ministry of Health -[/caption]

“Hence the reason why we laid out the steps of how the mother should be prepared and some of the issues the mother could encounter.”

The book was developed by the National Breastfeeding Coordinating Unit with funding and technical support by the Pan American Health Organization.

It entails everything a mother needs to know including the support available to them at public hospitals, different types of breast milk, a comparison between breastmilk and formula, ways to hold a baby for feeding, alternative feeding methods, breast and nipple care, introducing solid food, recipes, and more.

Thomas, a registered nurse for 35 years, licensed midwife for 24 years, mother of three and a grandmother told WMN all topics covered by the book are issues she encountered almost every day of her midwifery career.

[caption id="attachment_938216" align="alignnone" width="791"] The cover of Breastfeeding and Beyond, a publication of the Ministry of Health -[/caption]

“Starting from the first chapter we want to let mothers know there is a strategy, BFHI (The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative), in place at all the public hospitals that would support them in breastfeeding, teach them about it, give them the information to prepare them and their families for breastfeeding.”

The World Health Organization and the UN International Children Fund encouraged member states to develop a BFHI because babies were dying due to poor nutritional choices and feeding hygiene practices.

In compliance with these recommendations, the Ministry of Health established the National Breastfeeding Coordinating Unit in 2018 and the first National Breastfeeding Policy was launched in 2020.

Thomas said there were health benefits to breastfeed to both mothers and babies.

For example, the action of a baby suckling at the breast rel

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