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Archbishop: Spread more love and respect - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

As the nation marked Corpus Christi with a public holiday on Thursday, Archbishop Fr Jason Gordon used to occasion to call for people to spread more love and respect in society.

While officiating at holy mass at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Port of Spain, Fr Gordon said there needed to be more love and respect especially in these unsafe and violent times. One way of doing this, he said, was to have more religious processions.

Before a packed cathedral of worshippers, he said, “As we walk, we need to learn to love, respect and listen to one another, and to treat one another better.”

[caption id="attachment_1020207" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Secondary school students were also part of the Corpus Christi street procession in Port of Spain on Thursday. PHOTO BY ROGER JACOB - [/caption]

He asked the congregation – which was so large that people also stood outside the cathedral in its car park – “Do you think that TT needs this?”

He was greeted with a chorus of “yes” and “of course,” to which the archbishop said, “The levels of disrespect we see in our society today is the level of disrespect that is given to God Himself. The disrespect to one another is a disrespect to God.”

Throughout the mass, prayers, readings and hymns were performed for the congregation which comprised the faithful of all ages. People prayed and sang along with the choir and the more fervent worshippers swayed in time with the songs while waving hands. Others knelt and prayed.

[caption id="attachment_1020206" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Children in their school uniform throw flower petals on the road during the Corpus Christi procession along streets in Port of Spain on Thursday. PHOTO BY ROGER JACOB -[/caption]

The procession started from the cathedral and participants made their way through Port of Spain while people standing on the pavement looked on. Some onlookers made the sign of the cross as the procession passed them.

According to the National Library and Information System Authority (Nalis) website, the Feast of Corpus Christi (Latin for the Body of Christ) is a Christian feast celebrating the Holy Eucharist.

In some countries including TT, Corpus Christi is observed with a public holiday. Many also mark the day by planting, since the feast usually coincides with the start of the rainy season.

[caption id="attachment_1020208" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Youths file out of the Cathedral of Immaculate Conception in Port of Spain at the start of the Corpus Christi street procession on Thursday. PHOTO BY ROGER JACOB - [/caption]


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