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[UPDATED] Families of Maraval triple murder victims urge youth to make better choices - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

RELATIVES of the three men killed in a triple murder shooting incident on February 26 along Saddle Road near the Maraval police station say young people need to make better life decisions.

Antonio Trim, 29, Jevone Peters, 32, and Kirby Victor, 37, were in a car at Saddle Road, Maraval when they were ambushed by gunmen at around 5.30 pm on Monday.

The trio’s car was riddled with bullets and all three men died at the scene.

Speaking with reporters at the Forensic Science Centre in St James, none of the men's relatives was able to say exactly why they were targeted by gunmen.

Peters’ relatives described him as a loving, dependable family man who doted on his seven-year-old daughter.

“He was the most caring, outgoing person. He will come and pull you out any situation, no matter how late it is, how far it is. You could always rely on him.”

They added, “He was a wonderful father. He used to make sure his daughter have everything. Anything she want, he making sure he have that for her.”

They say his death has not been easy to deal with and his daughter is in tears.

“She knows. She processed it. She cried and, well, she knows she wouldn't be seeing him anymore.”

His family said they had no idea why he might have met such a violent death.

They said Peters was a construction worker and they did not know how he was involved with Trim and Victor.

Peters was driving the car in which the trio were killed and his father, Sean Peters, called on young people to “choose well” when making decisions.

“Make the decisions and think about the consequences of your actions. And I think that is about the best thing I could tell people. Think about the consequences of your actions.”

Trim’s family: 'Who don’t hear does feel'

One of Trim’s relatives told Newsday Trim had made some questionable decisions in his life.

The relative said Trim was spoken to about his life choices on several occasions.

“They will always talk to him and tell him xyz because he didn't need to do that…but you know children…You know how it does go. You make children but you don’t make their mind.”

The relative said Trim never listened and always had a retort when the issue was raised.

“He always have a plaster for a cut. Now look where he is”

“It reach the point where who don’t hear does feel now,” the relative added.

The relative urged other young people who might be making bad life choices to let Trim’s death serve as an example to them.

“I would only hope the children and them who looking and seeing will try to learn from it. But for some reason, they ent learning from it. They're still going down the same road. But crime don't pay. We know that. It don't pay."

He said people who know their relatives are involved in crime should keep talking to them, even if it turns out to be in vain.

“The most you could do is talking. It ent have an injection where you could inject sense in somebody.”

[caption id="attachment_1066477" align="alignnone" width="768"] Maraval murder victim Kirby Victor -[/caption]

Victor’s family dis

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