Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, United Way of the Coastal Empire has distributed $318,050 of the COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund, helping 787 friends and neighbors in Bryan, Chatham, Effingham, and Liberty Counties to date.
Additionally, we are providing emergency funding to United Way’s partner agencies with a demonstrated increase in demand for services due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
$26,000 grant to the Savannah-Chatham County Public School System to purchase 115 Chromebooks for students in schools with the highest levels of poverty to help bridge the technology gap that limits access to learning, and $12,500 in awards to United Way partner agencies in support of increased emergency food and shelter costs, case management and translation services, technology to provide remote crisis counseling, and increased health and safety personnel for a youth summer program.
Any funds remaining after the pandemic will be allocated to the United Way’s general emergency relief fund.
To assist as many callers as possible, United Way expanded its 211 call center hours, cross-trained its staff, and partnered with nearly 20 volunteers from United Way funded agencies to help process requests for assistance.