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UNC own goals - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: Only the very best football team will win World Cup 2022. So far Saudi Arabia is looking impressive. They already beat, who? Argentina, the four-time World Cup winners. We are breathless with anticipation.

Excitement leading up to our General Elections World Cup 2025 will be far more nail-biting. TT winner takes all; Westminster political rules will not change. So, as we say in local parlance, it going to be bacchanal in the place.

Why bother to name the small TT third political teams at this juncture? None of them are as yet looking like the Saudis and this is TT, where plain talk is not bad manners.

Right this very minute, the incumbent People's National Movement is looking good for 2025. Despite horrendous crime statistics and potholes deep enough for mermaids to swim in, the PNM could still walk away with the TT political FIFA competition. Why? Because the United National Congress is playing with serious self-inflicted political injuries.

The UNC is into blame games. Not so smart to allegedly blame the PNM for landslides and mind-boggling distressing flooding when errant contractors and climate change can be named.

At the end of the day, can anyone prove that the PNM arranged to score an own goal with climate change?

The biggest UNC injury is alleging that the PNM is deliberately overpaying for legal work. It is my humble, unpaid, unsolicited non-lawyer view that in so doing, the UNC is belittling the entire legal fraternity of TT. How come? Because there must indeed be an agreed-upon fee for legal work throughout the fraternity. Monies agreed upon and updated in tandem with inflation.

So there can be no PNM lawyers and UNC lawyers. There can be no cheaper goods on sale in one legal supermarket compared to the other. Law is one commodity where everybody is allegedly charged the same for legal sliced bread.

So, in recalling that in TT plain talk is not bad manners, should the UNC be asking questions about high PNM lawyer fees and indeed monies approved for travelling between cases?

Do UNC lawyers allegedly all work pro bono for their political party?

Is there not enough cocoa in the sun regarding allegations against UNC legal people? Are there not enough allegations of deliberate thievery?

Nothing is for free. The image of every single lawyer in TT is allegedly being besmirched at the finger-pointing from the UNC. They need to back off from kicking themselves with red and yellow cards.

Image, both political and legal, is everything in TT. Own goals will make the UNC look really bad.


Diego Martin

The post UNC own goals appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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