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UN: Trinidad and Tobago making progress on SDGs - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE United Nations (UN) on Monday said Trinidad and Tobago is making steady progress on the UN's 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs).

The UN made this observation in its update on TT's performance in that regard for the period January to September 2022.

The UN said, "Now more than ever, work to accelerate progress on all 17 SDGs is key.

With multiple overlapping crises engulfing the world - from the covid19 pandemic to the rising cost of living, the UN said, "It will take steadfast partnerships to ensure the SDGs are achieved by 2030."

This is why the UN has worked closely with the Government,, state agencies, the private sector, civil society and other development partners in 2022.

A total of US $6.3million in spending for the first nine months of 2022 four priority areas.

These were shared prosperity and resilience: resilience to climate change/shocks and sustainable natural resource management; peace, safety, justice and the rule of law and equality, well-being and leaving no one behind.

These areas are covered under SDGs five, ten and 16.

Under peace,safety, justice and rule of law, the UN reported that 217 police officers were trained in gender-responsive policing between January and September 2022.

For the same period, 363 refugees and asylum seekers received legal aid and 1,639 children and caregivers were provided with mental health and psychosocial support.

From January to September 2022, 603 officials were trained on the protection of refugees and asylum seekers.

They included members of the Judiciary, police and Coast Guard.

Some 1,000 laptops were provided to households which did not have access to e-learning.

The UN said 2,400 children of migrants and asylum seekers were enrolled in primary and secondary education programmes.

The UN also welcomed the launch of business bootcamps, micro-loans for female-owned small businesses and 12 communities receiving solar powers systems between January and September 2022.

Final data for 2022 will be made available in early 2023, when the UN's TT team finalises its annual report.


The 17 UN SDGS

GOAL 1: No Poverty

GOAL 2: Zero Hunger

GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being

GOAL 4: Quality Education

GOAL 5: Gender Equality

GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality

GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

GOAL 13: Climate Action

GOAL 14: Life Below Water

GOAL 15: Life on Land

GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions

GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal

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