There is something pathological about the way Africans relate to books that would have comforted Trump these past two days.
Two people so closely related to the Potus (president of the United States) have announced imminent releases of books that have been hailed as nothing short of catastrophic for the man seeking re-election this November.
One book is by John Bolton, Trump’s sacked security adviser, who has written a book to basically show that his former boss is so consumed by his own self, and especially by his re-election that for him nothing else matters.
Hand in hand with that reality is the fact that people like Bolton and Mary Trump have the leeway, when they are really pissed off, to come out and share with the public what they know about the man they have known intimately and against whom they think the public should be warned.
Thus, if there is a sensitive reduction of illiteracy among Trump voters caused by the combined power of these two books and Covid-19, it may have spared right-thinking Americans another four years of painful embarrassment caused by a man who seems to sincerely believe he is more important than his country.