Rather it would require targeted and tailored support for eco-inclusive MSMEs - these are businesses that do not only focus on profits but also on providing employment, social and health benefits to communities in which they operate, as well as addressing several of the ecological challenges now being reemphasized by the pandemic.
SEED has recently observed that many eco-inclusive MSMEs that have gone through our capacity development programs are pivoting their business models to stay relevant.
The second type of action is capacity development in order for eco-inclusive MSMES to be better equipped at management, accessing finance, business acquisition and generally building more resilience into their models.
SEED has been providing such programs for over 10 years, working with partners and national governments to provide direct enterprise support, as well as to better government policy and private sector instruments that affect MSME sustainability.
Government should view support of MSMEs as part of its social protection program, given how strongly linked the performance of eco-inclusive MSMEs is to addressing unemployment among the less educated and marginalized populations, poverty reduction, and food security.