Tunis/Tunisia — Six persons from Hajeb Layoun (Kairouan governorate) died after drinking tainted homemade alcohol (cologne containing a large quantity of toxic methanol).
Five men died on Monday (3 at Ibn Jazar hospital in Kairouan, 1 in Hajeb Layoun hospital and 1 in his house).
At least 32 people were poisoned in Hajeb Layoun after drining cologne on Sunday.
six died and 26 have been hospitalised in Sousse (6), Nabeul (1), Tunis (2), Mahdia (1), Kasserine (3), Sidi Bouzid (1), and the remaining at the Ibn Jazar hospital in Kairouan.
A man and a woman suspected of selling to the victims cologne mixed with an abnormal quantity of Methanol were arrested on Monday in Hajeb Layoun.