While the mainstream press has sought to distract from the protests by claiming it’s being orchestrated by outside agitators, they fail to reveal that much of the mayhem that came with the overwhelmingly peaceful protests was created by the police operating as undercover operatives.
Consequently, that media is only partly right except the real outside agitators, the real provocateurs, the real troublemakers are the system’s armed bodies of men and women: the police.
Because while the cops perform well their task of intimidation, humiliation, harassment, brutalization, and even murder of working people especially Black folks, their violence also serves to raise the consciousness of the oppressed and working class, exposing their system.
Much of the damage and fires set in South Minneapolis has been attributed by many in the community to undercover outside agitators (cops) and White supremacists for whom the police provided cover.
How else to explain cops shooting rubber bullets at the faces of protesters injuring dozens, even putting out a few young people’s eyes and sending many others to the hospital.