The National LGBT Chamber of Commerce reports that the 1.4 million LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs in the U.S. generate over $1.7 trillion annually for the economy . However, queer-owned businesses have faced harassment over the years. Their storefronts have been vandalized , venues have been threatened, and the owners themselves have even been attacked. To provide much-needed support, the inaugural LGBTQ+ Business Week launched this year. The seven-day celebration, from Nov. 27 to Dec. 3, 2023, aims to rally support for queer-owned businesses and raise awareness for economic issues they often face. Travers Johnson, creator of LGBTQ+ Business Week and owner of Queerency Media, is a major partner. “LGBTQ+ small business owners are culture-shapers, space-makers, and job creators, but like our community at large, we often suffer from discrimination and bias,” Johnson said in a press release. “From being denied COVID-relief loans at a higher rate than non-LGBTQ businesses to being victims of...