“Floyd’s murder is the latest example of 400 years worth of terrorism against Black people,” said Kofi Taharka, chairman of the National Black United Front.
“George Floyd’s murder is emblematic of the historical relationship between Black people and law enforcement,” stated Kimathi Nelson, presiding bishop of the Pan African Orthodox Christian Church.
Walker added that during the Civil Rights and Black Power movements, local and state police coordinated with the nation’s highest policing organization, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, to purposefully attack, discredit and some say even murder Black leaders and organizations, primarily through its Counter-Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO) founded by then FBI director J. Edgar Hoover.
But the blatant and widespread acts of injustice by police officers against unarmed Black people are turning this demographic shift into a new political movement.
Shot in the back of the head by police officer who was found guilty of murder).