Before Demoncratic Senators blocked the Republican supported Justice Act on Tuesday, June 23, 2020 California Senator Kamala Harris offered a scathing rebuke of the legislation on the Senate floor.
Harris, who strongly supported the Justice in Policing Act, civil rights and police reform legislation initiated in the House of Representatives which ultimately passed the House with bipartisan support on Thursday, June 25.
Senate Kamala Harris’ statement on the Senate floor Tuesday, June 23, 2020 regarding why she will vote against the Senate Republican authored Justice Act on Wednesday, June 24, 2020.
The Republican party on the other hand modeled its proposal after the Democrats initiative addressing similar issues with tepid language and calls for more studies, no calls for accountability or consequence and while the nation has called for re-appropriating police funds to community based programs, Republicans want to enhance funding to police.
Calling the Republican bill a tactic to obstruct the progress of the Justice and Policing Act and accusing them of playing a political game, she pointed to Senate Leader Mitch McConnell’s recent inference that he has no intention of passing bipartisan legislation on this issue.