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Tazvida’s music will never die: Widow

BY WINSTONE ANTONIO YESTERDAY marked 22 years after the death of Smoko music originator Fanuel “System” Tazvida, who fronted sungura outfit, Chazezesa Challengers. Tazvida died in 1999 at the age of 31 at a time his music was hitting the airwaves and attracting a legion of die-hard followers, who still respect his lyrical prowess to date. Some followers of showbiz and people across divide yesterday took time to commemorate Tazvida’s craft on different social media platforms. His widow, Barbara Mabuyaye, told NewsDay Life & Style that she was optimistic that the Smoko legend’s music would never die, with efforts to resuscitate it by some music enthusiasts and well-wishers being stalled by COVID-19. Since System’s death, Chazezesa Challengers has gone through a rough patch. “He was my pillar of strength. Sadly there is nothing big lined up to commemorate him (Tazvida) because of the COVID-19-induced lockdown, but what gives me hope is that my husband’s music has refused to die and this comforts me a lot,” she said. “To have respected people in society like doctors, politicians, businesspeople whom I hear listen to his music in their cars shows that they still love his music and family, about 22 years after his death, is heart-warming. It shows his music has not faded and sungura will never fade away.” She added: “I have seen some changing their profile pictures on their WhatsApp statuses meaning he was a man of the people.” Barbara expressed gratitude to many of the Smoko music devotees who continue to revere their icon and their efforts to revive the genre. “One of the people who have kept us going as a family is medical practitioner and music promoter Johannes Marisa, who has been providing us with medical care for free. I really thank him and pray for blessings on his way for having a good heart,” she said. Marisa has been assisting struggling musicians as well as widows of departed top artistes, employing some of them as general workers at his surgeries while others receive free medical care whenever the need arises. Renowned sungura singer and Khiama Boys frontman Nicholas “Madzibaba” Zakaria described Tazvida as a talented artiste who was willing to learn more to improve his craft. “System was a good guy. He was a man who wanted to learn and improve his music. I enjoyed working with such a talented artiste,” he said. Madzibaba worked with System on the popular hit Mabhauwa. The song was written by Cephas Karushanga, who later went on to form the Mabhauwa Express. Madzibaba played the rhythm guitar, switching with Karushanga who played the lead while Alick Macheso was on the bass guitar. System was on the vocals. Tazvida’s songs that cut across the social divide remain relevant to date with his hit Foromani, receiving massive airplay even on social media. He is also famed for social commentaries that include Anodyiwa Haatauri, Mushandi Ndimambo and Dai Hanzvadzi Yairoorwa, among others. At the time of his death, Tazvida had six albums under his belt and the band at the time was made up of Leeroy “Kamusena” Lunga,

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