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Tancoo: UNC will retain Sangre Grande Regional Corporation - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

UNC chairman Davendranath Tancoo was confident of the party retaining control of the Sangre Grande Regional Corporation (SGRC), saying burgesses would not be fooled by PNM empty promises.

He was speaking to Newsday on Monday,

nomination day for the August 14 local government elections.

The UNC's eight candidates for the SGRC were due to be presented with all other corporation candidates on Monday night, at the UNC campaign launch and presentation of candidates at Naparima College, San Fernando.

Tancoo, in a WhatsApp message to Newsday, said all UNC candidates had been successfully nominated.

"Based on our reports and surveys of public sentiment we are extremely confident of retaining the Sangre Grande Regional Corporation and look forward to winning at more seats in the corporation. People are fed up of the PNM distractions and bacchanal."

He said people knew their lives have got substantially worse over the last eight years.

"They know the PNM believes they can be bought with a couple hundred dollars and a promise of a job.

"But over the last eight years all that the citizens in Sangre Grande have had are empty promises and empty pots."

Tancoo said he did not think the residents of Sangre Grande would be distracted by "ole talk and character-assassination" from the PNM.

"People want accountability, transparency and delivery of solutions to the daily issues confronting them, and they can only get that from the UNC."

He alleged the Government had failed on everything from crime to employment.

Tancoo said property tax, utility-rate hikes and higher food prices were the only things the Government had to offer in the future.

"The UNC has a proven track record of service, access and responsible governance. That is what I believe people need. Not ole talk."

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