Swiss group offers two-year holiday bonds for Coast hotels
Monday, June 15, 2020 0:01
The offer ending Monday will see holiday-makers buy holiday bonds valid for two years.
Swiss-owned Planhotel Hospitality Group is offering pre-paid products for its Coast-based properties where prospective guests pay 50 percent of the cost to reserve a room.
The offer ending Monday will see holiday-makers buy holiday bonds valid for two years for three properties — Diamonds Dream of Africa, Sandies Malindi Dream Garden and Sandies Tropical Village.
Planhotel Malindi general manager Alexander Zissimatos said revenue raised from the holiday bonds will be spent on operational costs as well as keeping the facilities open during downtime caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
He said the holiday bond were transferrable, making it easier for holders to gift or sell them off with flexible booking dates.