Survivor fans are in a state of shock after the latest move by Kaleb Gebrewold, who made history as the first contestant to successfully use the series’ Shot In The Dark twist. The twist was first introduced in season 41 and hasn’t been used successfully, including one time in which a player did land on safe, but wasn’t going to get voted out anyway. According to TV Insider , the Shot In The Dark is a move that “gives players a 1 in 6 chance to be safe in exchange for their vote at Tribal Council.” So far the move hasn’t resulted in any big shake-up. But when Gebrewold used it, he was able to successfully negate the Tribal Council to stay despite the council gunning for him to be voted out. Part of the target on his back came from Bruce, a returning player who was nervous about how Kaleb was able to go between different groups. Bruce took Kaleb’s “social game,” as TV Insider described it, as a threat. After convincing nearly everyone to vote against Kaleb, Kaleb’s ally Emily told...