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SRC: No increase for judges, pay cut for industrial court members - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

INDUSTRIAL COURT judges are said to be up in arms over the Salaries Review Commission’s (SRC’s) 117th Report, which has proposed a cut in their monthly remuneration from $32,080 to $29,100.

Sunday Newsday understands that some judges have even complained that the court’s registrar, under the commission’s proposed emolument structure, is receiving a higher basic monthly salary of $34,000 plus perks.

In the SRC’s 113th and 117th reports, which Finance Minister Colm Imbert laid in the House of Representatives on February 16, increased pay packets also were not proposed for the Chief Justice, Justices of Appeal and puisne judges, all of whom have been living on the same salaries since 2013.

In its 98th Report in 2013, the SRC had proposed a monthly salary of $50,350 for the CJ, $42,020 for the Justices of Appeal and $37,300 for puisne judges. In the commission’s 117th report, no changes were proposed.

High Court judges, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said they were disappointed by the failure of the commission to recommend any increase for the 11-year gap, noting that public servants benefited from at least a four per cent settlement recently. Judges’ salaries are, however, exempted from tax.

Regarding industrial court judges, the SRC proposes a service allowance of $5,050 per month and a subsistence allowance of $200 a day in specific cases: when the office holder lives in north Trinidad and is on duty in San Fernando; and where the office holder is on duty in Tobago and no meals are provided.

In instances where the office holder is in Tobago and meals are provided, they will get $75 for meals per day.

The judges will also be entitled to transportation and housing allowances of $3,900 and $12,360 per month, respectively.

With respect to overseas travel, the SRC has proposed a travel grant of $40,200 per annum.

The cost of internet access, telephone rental and other charges, including value-added tax related to official business to be covered by the state or at the office holder’s option, an allowance of $400 per month, the commission said.

It added once the latter option is exercised, the chosen benefit should continue in effect as long as the incumbent holds the office.

The SRC has also proposed that the industrial court registrar, outside of a $34,000 monthly salary, receive a professional allowance of $3,000 per month.

The office holder will also be entitled to $200 per day when travelling on official business beyond a radius of 16km from official headquarters and where it is necessary to purchase a meal.

In the case of an office holder serving in Tobago, they will receive $200 per day when travelling on official business beyond a radius of ten km from official headquarters and where it is necessary to purchase meals.

The registrar will also be entitled to a housing allowance of $4,620 and telecommunication facilities to the tune of $400 per month.

Under the suite of recommendations proposed by the SRC for TT’s top public officials, the Prime Minister will be entitled to a

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