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Special needs education not a PR campaign - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Last week, the Ministry of Education (MoE) posted an “Educational Pathway – for Students with Special Needs” on its website and social media.

There are two separate structures – one for students who are enrolled in a school, and one for students not attending a school.

Not surprisingly, this post was greeted with anger by many parents/caregivers and some educators.

You see, parents/caregivers know the struggles that they are faced with when trying to access an education for their special needs children. Thus, no wonder many parents felt that this "well-structured system" was an insult; that it was deeply misleading and definitely non-existent.

The first step in this "Educational Pathway" (for children enrolled in a school) is that teachers and parents will monitor the student and the teacher will refer the case to the School Based Intervention Team (SBIT), which will then give recommendations on how to address the learning and/or behavioural challenges.

Right away this is a problem – many teachers do not even recognise signs of learning disabilities. There are too many parents who have been told, “Your child is too much trouble,” or, “He too harden,” and, “He doh listen,” and “He can’t sit still” by teachers who simply do not understand these might be signs of a deeper issue.

The teachers who have specialised in special needs education would have learnt about hidden disabilities, setting up an inclusive classroom and so on.

However, they are not exactly being placed in schools – there are graduates of UTT with a degree in SPED who have applied to the MoE and have been waiting for years to be assessed, much less to be place in a school.

[caption id="attachment_942054" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Educational Pathway – for Students with Special NeedsPhoto Courtesy Ministry of Education -[/caption]

Many teachers have no knowledge of hidden disabilities and insist: "Nothing is wrong with the child, the child is just misbehaving." With this in mind, is the ministry offering any training for teachers who are in the system and have no special education training, so that they can actually recognise the signs of hidden disabilities?

After that, according to the "Education Pathway," it appears that the child will get all the help he or she needs. It outlines an ideal system where there is a SBIT and personnel such as guidance counsellors, social workers and special education officer. it speaks about things like evaluation and targeted intervention, individual education plans and monitoring students – a well-structured system in theory.

In reality, this does not exist. As one parent noted, “This was obviously pulled out of a textbook and posted to fool people into believing that the MoE is actually doing something.”

Another parent said, “In no way does this system works or is even accurate. It looks like the MoE copied another country’s special education plan and is trying to pass it off as something it is doing here in TT.”

It is also important to note that this system focuse

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