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Shot in arm for economy with PTSC overhaul - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: If we want a radical shot in the arm to the local economy and life, as well as to help the population save money in this period of inflation, we need to radically overhaul our conception of PTSC. Based on my experiences in countries like Panama and the United Kingdom, we desperately need an expanded rapid bus system with the following features:

* An app that can be used to pay the fare, buy tickets, track buses in real time and see bus-stop locations and bus routes.

* An upgraded website with route times and suitable information fed to free online mapping services like Google.

* Upgraded bus stops that are weatherproof and that provides information on bus arrivals/delays, etc.

* A one-card payment system that can be reloaded online and at kiosks and can also be used on the water taxi and Tobago ferry.

* Expanded and radically redesigned terminals that are integrated with other taxi services and are clean and spacious with solar charging for electric buses.

* A majority electric bus fleet for a sharply reduced maintenance and fuel bill.

* Fifteen-minute and half-hour buses on most routes, hourly on all routes, as well as late-night buses up to, say, 11 pm for shift workers. Buses that can announce each upcoming stop for the visually impaired.

* Expanded rural access as well as round-the-city, hop-on hop-off routes in Chaguanas, Port of Spain, San Fernando and Arima.

Reliability, regularity, access to information and convenience would make a world of difference in ridership. But we have to invest in a 21st century solution now.


via e-mail

The post Shot in arm for economy with PTSC overhaul appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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