On June 9, 2020 the Office of San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin announced a directive to allow victims and witnesses of police violence to receive victims’ compensation.
“Until now, victims and witnesses of police brutality have not only suffered from the breach of trust that occurs when those entrusted to keep our communities safe instead inflict violence, but also from the physical and emotional harm they incur as a result.
“This policy rectifies that problem by providing an opportunity for support to those who are affected by law enforcement violence—including those hurt during lawful, peaceful protest—just as we would victims of other crimes,” said Boudin.
“The UCSF Trauma Recovery Center provides trauma-focused, compassionate care to survivors of violent crime, especially those from underserved communities,” said Dr. Sarah Metz, director of the Division of Trauma Recovery Services and chief psychologist at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital.
“The healing of our communities requires ensuring all survivors of violence have immediate access to the care and support they need to address their trauma, regardless of who exacted that harm, rather than facing barriers to recovery,” Hollins added.