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Senior Superintendent appeals to Tobago: ‘Macco’ the criminals - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

AFTER Tobago recorded its first murder for 2024 on the first day of the year, Snr Supt Rodhill Kirk has called on villagers to work with the police by "maccoing" the criminals.

Tobago ended 2023 with 14 murders, leaving politicians, police and the public alarmed at the increase in murders on the island.

The New Year did not offer much hope for change with the murder of 27-year-old Patience Hill resident Kareem Small.

Around 3.50pm on Monday, Small, aka "Wan Dan", was walking through a track in Patience Hill with Kelon Noray, 27, when a gunman approached and fired at them before escaping on foot.

Residents heard the gunshots and later found Small lying on the ground motionless and Noray bleeding profusely.

Small, a dancehall artiste, was pronounced dead at the scene. Noray was taken to the Scarborough General Hospital where he underwent emergency surgery. He remains in critical condition.

Kirk told Newsday on Tuesday, “Our officers are out on the field as we speak, and we can only do so much as we can. The investigations are ongoing.”

He said people need to be cautious even in their own neighbourhoods.

“We the citizens need to be more guarded in our space. We have to look out for one another and if we do that, that would be a major contribution towards minimising any incidents from occurring, because when you see something and you call the police, I know you would get swift response.”

He said the public has a crucial role in the fight to reduce crime.

"We have to go back to looking out – when you see the stranger in the neighbourhood, call, find out, seek their information. They used to call some people the village macco, maybe we have to go back to that. When we see somebody strange, let us find out about that person. Call the police to get information or to give information.”

When Newsday visited Small's home on Tuesday, family members declined comment.

Tobago House of Assembly (THA) electoral representative for Signal Hill/ Patience Hill Nigel Taitt on Monday appealed to the youths in the country to put down their guns.

In an interview with the media, Taitt described it as a sad day, saying he knew the deceased since he was a baby.

“At this point in time, I am feeling very, very, very hurt because it is someone who I knew for years. Actually, he grew up in my arms; so it is someone who I know very, very, close to me, so it’s a very, very sad day for me.”

He said people need to have love in their heart.

“Now is not time for that, now is time to live in love and unity. 2024, we have started off on a very bad footing. Let us put down the guns, let us concentrate on love and more unity.”

He also called on the public to give information to the police.

“If you have any information about any crime that is taking place in Trinidad and Tobago and by extension Tobago, please report it to the police.

"Let the police know what is going on in these blocks, especially in your area – let the police know. It is time that we stop these gun violence in this country, it is getting worse, we n

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