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San Fernando hospital receives donations for children - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

The paediatric ward of the San Fernando General Hospital welcomed donations of colouring books, storybooks, stuffed toys, clothes, diapers and wipes from the Southern Foundation for Better Health (SFFBH).

The foundation made the donations in August for children at the hospital for long stays.

Its medical director, Dr Shalini Pooransingh, told Newsday that the in-kind donation is just one of several recent efforts the group has made to supplement south Trinidad’s healthcare system.

Pooransingh said, “We at the foundation are interested in enhancing the health and well-being of people in south Trinidad.”

[caption id="attachment_911043" align="alignnone" width="1024"] The Southern Foundation for Better Health received donations in Augusy of items such as wipes, diapers, colouring books, and stuff toys, for the San Fernando General Hospital Pediatric Ward. - Southern Foundation for Better Health[/caption]

Apart from the donations in August, Pooransingh mentioned the foundation’s food hamper drive in July to commemorate Nelson Mandela International Day. Hampers were distributed to underprivileged people in South Trinidad.

With food and nutrition being an important part of health and wellness, Pooransingh told Newsday assisting people to meet their food needs helps the foundation achieve its goals.

Pooransingh said the foundation is now planning another food hamper drive, with the intention of helping different children’s homes in south Trinidad this time around.

Created under the patronage of former first lady Zalayhar Hassanali, the SFFBH is a public-private partnership with the South West Regional Health Authority.

People interested in donating to the foundation can contact 348-0242 or 736-098.


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