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San Fernando chamber, Santa bring cheer - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

The Greater San Fernando Area Chamber of Commerce (GSFCC) brought early Christmas cheer to over 200 children on Friday afternoon.

GSFCC president Kiran Singh, together with firefighter Justin Chin Kee Fatt, dressed as Santa Claus, and Mrs Claus, waved to people along High Street, San Fernando, as they arrived at RRM Plaza in the tray of a van.

Singh told reporters Christmas is a time of giving, and the chamber wanted to ensure children have gifts.

[caption id="attachment_991375" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Fire officer Justin Kee Fatt as Santa Claus and Ann Samaroo, PRO for the Greater San Fernando Chamber of Commerce as Mrs Claus spread Christmas cheer along High street San Fernando on Friday. Photo by Lincoln Holder[/caption]

"In the spirit of the season, we invited Santa to come and bring cheer and to entertain children during this difficult time that we face," he said, before going to the top floor of the plaza with Santa to distribute the gifts and entertain the children.

Singh said he expects "intense shopping" in the next few days, as most shoppers are last-minute. He also expects an increase in people and traffic in the city.

For that reason, the chamber, in collaboration with mayor Junia Regrello and the city corporation, has arranged free parking for the public. He said it will be at Penitence, St James, and Mucurapo Streets as well as on Harris Promenade. "to ensure people can come and benefit from the deals."

[caption id="attachment_991379" align="alignnone" width="1024"] A member of Junior Bisnath's Kaisokah school of the arts Moko Jumbie as Santa's helper take a rest along High street San Fernando as he accompanied Santa on his toy drive. Photo by Lincoln Holder[/caption]

But Singh also called on the "efficient wrecking service" to work with the business community and the shoppers.

"Try not to be overzealous in taking people’s vehicles during the season,’ Singh said. "We are here to earn a dollar for the shoppers to benefit from retail activities, so please work with us. We assure you they would obey the traffic laws."

[caption id="attachment_991376" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Fire officer Justin Kee Fatt as Santa Claus and President of the Greater San Fernando Chamber of Commerce Kiran Singh spread Christmas cheer along High street San Fernando on Friday. Photo by Lincoln Holder[/caption]

Singh’s Christmas wish is for criminals nationwide to stop taking advantage of innocent, hardworking people and to find a legal way of getting money.

To the criminals, Singh added: "Do the right thing. Obey the law. Get a job. Educate yourself. Promote yourself."

As per the legend, Santa Claus joked that he usually comes at night to bring joy and spread love. But he decided to visit San Fernando by day instead.

Santa thanked Singh, the police, and the fire service for making the initiative possible.

His Christmas wish is for everyone to show love to each other. He is hoping for peace to reign over Trinidad and Tobago. He also hopes for the country to prosper and for everyone

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