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Return of the 4amigos - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: I wonder how many people really watched the "Return of the five amigos," Faris Al-Rawi, Symon de Nobriga, Fitzgerald Hinds and Rohan Sinanan, on Sunday, they having done a similar exercise earlier this year, bearing in mind that the World Cup was on at the same time as their news conference on Sunday.

These ministers were on television to tell us what was happening due to the excessive rainfall - as if most in the country didn't already know - and what was in place at the 14 regional corporations to assist those affected.

Firstly, "the five amigos" would or should have known, well in advance, of the bad weather that was heading our way as it was all over social media for the last few days. So to come and try to close the stable door after the horse has bolted is no excuse.

This new weather phenomenon, a result no doubt of climate change, may very well be something we will have to live with. We may even find out that our two seasons, wet and dry, may be no more.

To lessen the effects of flooding, governments will have to implement, not pay lip service. There must be year-round rigid programmes for proper maintenance and enforcement of the laws to prevent slash-and-burn, littering and dumping of garbage in waterways and on coastlines, roads and hillsides.

Until then, we will continue to see more flooding and devastation.

Time for all the old talk and promises to stop and move to the next level - serious action.


via e-mail

The post Return of the 4amigos appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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