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Priest at cyclist's funeral urges mourners: Embrace the joys of life - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

Mourners at the funeral of cyclist Anthony Harris were encouraged to learn from his example and appreciate the joys of life before it was too late.

Harris, 60, was cycling around the Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain, on July 9, when a white car drove into him and fled the scene.

Harris died one day later at the Port of Spain General Hospital.

On July 13 it was reported that police detained a man in relation to the accident but he was later released after questioning.

Speaking during the homily at Harris' funeral at St Finbar's RC Church, Diego Martin, on Thursday, parish priest Fr Carlyle Fortune said Harris embraced life and found joy in all of his activities.

He said while Harris' death was saddening, it was important for mourners to understand the value of life and appreciate those around them by striving to improve themselves.

"Whether it was soursop ice cream, cake or fudge, he enjoyed life.

"Whether it was cycling or being with people he enjoyed life.

"Whether it was about his animals he enjoyed life and he is saying to us, yes we need to enjoy life because some of us are like robots, we only get up and go to work and go back home and we repeat the same cycle.

"But we forget the people who matter in our lives and the things that must be done.

"Today we thank God that Anthony's death is a great reminder to us that life is before us and we have to be concerned about our life, concerned about our living and what we do and how we do things for each other."

Recalling stories he heard of the accident from Harris' friends, Fortune said Harris saw the car as it approached the group of cyclists and warned them, allowing them to get out of the way.

He said while Harris may have lost his life in the process, his selflessness and spirit should never be forgotten.

During their eulogy Harris' daughters Charisse and Janika Harris remembered their father as a dedicated family man who shared his love for excitement and outdoor activities with them.

"He was living proof that love makes a family.

"He was the kind of person that collected your derelict bicycle repaired it and needle you until you joined him for a morning sweat."

Harris' fellow cyclists, some of whom wore cycling jerseys, also paid tribute to him remembering him as a fun-loving man who appreciated the thrill of the sport.

One of the cyclists said despite the tragedy of the accident, he hoped Harris was comforted by the final memories of his family and the weekend ahead.

[caption id="attachment_965915" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Anthony Harris neice Arianne St Louis, and his daughters Janika and Charisse Harris deliver the eulogy at his funeral at St Finbar’s RC Church, Diego Martin, on Thursday. - Photo by Sureash Cholai[/caption]

"Tony really loved riding, I feel confident as a survivor of a tragic biking accident myself that he did not know what happened on that day and that he felt no pain.

"His final memories would have only been good ones of his faith, family and friends and of the relaxing weekend ahead.

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